tips for success

trust me, this is important

NO ONE KNOWS WHAT DO DO WITH THEIR HANDS – that’s why I’m here! and I know some stuff about some things! You just need to embrace the awkward and trust me! It gets easier! I swear! I really want this to be an amazing experience for you! I want you to love these photos and hang them all over your house!


I know having photos done always feels a bit hectic and stressful! Trust me. I get it!

Here are some of my favourite tips for a successful session

  1. coordinate outfits: Pick one outfit and start there. Use it as an anchor for everyone else. Find something that you feel comfortable in as well as something that suits the season. Real Talk: Is there anything worse than stuffing yourself into leg prisons and it being the only thing you can think about?! I. Don’t. Think. So.
  2. Dress for the season: Light flowy clothing for summer. Lots of layers for winter. Neutrals are for alllllll seasons. If you aren’t sure how something looks - Ask me. I live for that kind of stuff and I love helping.
  3. Feed Yo' Kids: Have snacks or a meal before your session. No one wants to listen when they are hangry. I know this to be true. Bring little bite sized snacks to your session (goldfish crackers, yogurt drops. Easy and minimal mess)
  4. Don't Worry about me: Heck, pretend I’m not even there! I’ll wander around you guys and take lots of photos and give you directions as needed. Interact with your family. Lots of tickles. Lots of snuggles. Lots of love. Just love up on each other and have as much fun as possible. That’s where the magic happens. I’ll tell you if I want you to look at me. I promise.
  5. Positive reinforcement and incentive: Don’t be above a little bribery. Fun fact: Pokémon cards and Big Mac combos are a survival tool for my family.
  6. TRY not to get frustrated: TRY not to yell. Kids shutdown. I know it’s the worst when your kids don’t listen. I know you just want them to smile (and listen). I know you don’t want them to run and knee dive onto the grass in their light coloured clothing that you planned out specifically for your session. Kids are going to be be kids. Let them. We can wrangle them and we can find a way to capture them exactly the way they are.
  7. Dad’s this one is for you: I know you are dreading this! Don’t worry, you will get lots of breaks! Tell me what makes you the most uncomfortable. Let's work together and try and change how you feel about photos!
  8. Embrace the chaos: Meltdowns happen! Kids are kids and listening to a stranger with a camera is stressful and honestly, not that fun! So, we will just roll with it! I love capturing emotion! Pull them in for a big snuggle, kiss those tears away! We can take a snack break or adventure to a different spot! There is magic in everyday parenting! Please know, I’ll sing paw patrol at the top of my lungs if that's what it takes.
  9. Have fun!: Be silly! Let your guard down! Those will be some of your favourite photos!
  10. Trust that I will capture beautiful images: Trust the process. I promise it will be worth it!